
Monday, June 06, 2011

simple pleasures (#504-516 of 1000 gifts)

"In the end, what affects your life most deeply are things too simple to talk about." Nell Blaine

My gratitude list and photos for the week that was...

504. Nearing the finish line on a long project.

505. Roses are out! These days their fragrance adorns most of our walks.

506. Working with Scrivener — great software for all kinds of writing projects.

507. A bunny sighting.

508.  A coffee date with good friends from long ago.

509. Canada's National House of Prayer. The Parkers who oversee it were at church on Thursday. They told us many stories of answered prayers in regard to government. Through efforts of the National House of Prayer there are people praying in the Gallery of the House of Commons whenever parliament is in session.

510. French lavender.

511. How about those Canucks! I'm not a hockey watcher but am pulling for the home team in my way, along with the rest of the province— would you believe the country?

512. Passport applications filed - FINALLY!

513. These wayside beauties are out. They have the clumpy name of Dame's Rocket but their perfume is delicate and besides white they come in shades of pink to mauve. 

514. A Sunday walk at Mud Bay Park. I love that place. It smells fabulous - like peppery plants and the sea and roses...

515. Seen on our walk - lupins! That's partly why I wanted to go to Mud Bay: because it's lupin season. I was not disappointed.

516. Water parsley is out too. Their flowers look like giant heads of Queen Anne's Lace.


If you'd like to join me and many others collecting One Thousand Gifts, please do. Some members of this gratefulness community post their gifts on blogs, while others list them in private journals. Instructions on how to join are here.


Violet Nesdoly / poems
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