
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

puppets shivering in the park

When Paul lists the things he's suffered for the gospel, I don't think he mentions freezing temperatures. He surely would have if he'd had any experience in Grande Prairie, Alberta at the end of August.

My friend Maralee Dawn (ventriloquist, minister to children) is there right now, doing a series of evening outdoor meetings sponsored by one of the local churches. Her blog this morning tells of last night's frigid temperatures and winds that nearly blew over the speakers. Two hundred were there despite that. Many made decisions for Jesus!

I just checked today's weather forecast for Grande Prairie. If anything it's even colder (predicted low of plus 3 - brrr) a veritable early winter! (Where's global warming when you need it?!)

Join me in praying for my friend, that even the cold and wind will work for God's glory - or that He will create a little pocket of warmth right over that park.


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