May 3/06 - Though the eagles are still incubating the remaining egg, in an April 30th post "Hornby Island Eagles Not Successful in 2006" (Hancock House forum) David Hancock says:
It appears that the Hornby Island bald eagle eggs are infertile. The first egg should have hatched April the 26 and the second egg today (April 30th). The first embryo, if it developed at all, is surely dead. The second embryo, could still hatch but I cannot see the proper pipping of the egg shell, where the chicks beak has broken through enabling it to draw in air, the precursor to the final struggle for hatching...How sad.
April 29/06 - I've had no luck connecting with the eagle cam since early this morning. The recent news coverage (in the Globe and Mail I'm told, plus CBC and on the local news) has made for a lot more interest and overloaded servers I'm guessing.
Yesterday on the CKNW local news, the story was that one egg had hatched. Were they talking about these eggs, I wonder? Or maybe they have a different definition of 'hatched. ' Early this morning when I did connect with the cam (5:55 a.m.) both eggs were mostly intact, though I could see movement through the hole of one of them - like fluff waving in the breeze.
If you're having trouble connecting to the live cam, the next best thing is viewing some of the still shots captured from today - here.
April 28/06 - Update: I just saw the eagles do a switch - 5:55 p.m.
The eggs should be hatching shortly. Judging from close-ups shown here, they now have numerous cracks.
Here is a photo album / slide show of still pictures captured by Judie from Toronto, and which she is updating regularly.
April 25/06 Update: Watching the eagle is definitely addictive! The Infotec forum is also interesting. For example, technically savvy and avid watchers post still shots captured from the video throughout the day.
April 4/06 - Watch nesting eagles - live!
For years retired Victoria accountant Doug Carrick has enjoyed watching the eagles that nest on his Hornby Island property (Hornby Island is one of a string of Gulf Islands situated between the west coast of the B.C. mainland and Vancouver Island). In September 2004 he had a video camera installed in the nest while the eagles were on their annual migration.
With help from Surrey biologist David Hancock, the Streaming Eagle Cam* began operating on March 27th. We can now watch these birds, the wind rustling their feathers, sit for hours on those eggs with, occasionally, the sight of them changing places over the eggs or squabbling about who gets to decorate the nest with new sticks. The eggs were laid on March 21st and 24th and are expected to hatch around April 27th. The video runs for 24 hours. After dark, video from earlier in the day is played.
(Be patient. It takes about a minute for the picture to display.)
Filed in Birding
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