
Thursday, October 26, 2006

can I keep it -- please?

It’s still the insect time of year here.

If one were a collector (as we used to be, scooping creepy-crawlies into plastic tubs filled with leaves, held captive by lids that we’d punched full of holes) wouldn’t these caterpillars in their fashionable faux fur be a trophy?

I’m actually partial to slugs myself – the banana ones that match my earmuffs.

Today, though, a little creature invited itself right into our house. E. was taking apart the lettuce to wash it when he found this healthy specimen. “Can I keep it please?” he asked, carrying it into my workroom on a towel.

Sure little boy.

I guess if there’s one thing that worm proves, it’s that the claims of organic lettuce at our veggie store aren’t empty!


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