SUNDAY - Last curling update (I promise)
Well, they did it!! After a nail-biter game against Japan on Saturday (where the Jones rink was behind until the very end, stealing to tie in the 10th end, then stealing again to win in the 11th overtime end), today's game was not quite as tense. At least they were ahead for the whole time we watched (from the 5th end on). They won the game in the 10th end when they were up 7:4 and ran Japan out of rocks. In both games there were some fabulous shots made by both rinks.
Judging by the emotional response of our ladies on the podium - they wanted this pretty badly. So happy that they got it - and in Canada too. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Related stories:
The Star
Canadian Press
Update Saturday:
Jones' rink lost to China in the 1:2 game last night. Thus she plays Japan (who were looking almost invincible against Sweden yesterday afternoon) in the semi-final this afternoon. She and her girls will need to bring their top shot-making to that game.
We're pulling for you Jennifer (who has her very own page at Wikipedia).
At least that's how we spelled it on Monday.
E. and I decided that since we were going right through Vernon on our way to visit Dad in Kelowna, we might as well indulge ourselves and take in one of the draws at the Ford World Women's Curling Championship. Here are some scenes from the match between Canada and Italy.

Skip Jennifer Jones and third Cathy Overton-Clapham - discussing strategy.

Canada eventually won 6 to 9. And as of right now (Wednesday night) they are tied with China in first place with a record of 8 wins and one loss.
Would we do this again? We might take in the odd game here or there. But the truth is, we can see much better from our front row seats at the TV in the living room, than we could at the event, especially when the play was on the opposite end from where we were sitting. Of course at home one misses all the excitement of the crowd and cheering the favorites on in person.