Christmas comes in softly
Soon you see it there,
In fancy foods and children's eyes,
Holly wreaths and angel hair ...
... Christmas comes in softly
As a feeling in the air;
Keep your heart alive and listen:
See and hear it everywhere!"
- D. R. Barnes (From Christmas Ideals 1978)
The second advent candle signifying preparation was certainly appropriate for the week that was. I decorated my house this week, something I've started doing in stages, which makes the job much more fun than doing it in one marathon day. And the Christmas activities have began. Both of these seasonal traditions figure into my gift list this week...
776. The special guest at our women's Christmas event was Sarah Schieber. (She popularized the song "Christmas in Heaven.") We were touched by her story and so enjoyed her music.
777. An added gift was spending the evening with my sister.
778. Getting a couple of first drafts done—early! (Now for a little spit-and-polish, and they'll be ready to send off to their respective editors.)
779. A Christmas banquet with hubby.
780. There Johnny Forrest (of Don Messer fame—yes we are old-timers) entertained us with songs from bonny Scotland.
781. Some gorgeous winter days where the colours are subtle, but still present. Now we depend on twigs to tint the scene.
782. Meeting with cousins. Though the occasion was sad (a funeral) the time was rich.
783. Reflecting on a life well lived.
784. Happening to sit beside the lady who bought my mom's suite (you could call that a sweet serendipity).
785. We're lighting advent candles at church. (We are not of the liturgical persuasion and this is something new. I love it!)
786. A wonderful Sunday with first a service at our favourite church, followed by one of our favourite walks, then lunch at one of our favourite restaurants, and finally home to watch curling, my favourite sport!
Mud Bay Park - Surrey, B.C. |
787. Critters—we saw several on our Sunday walk. A heron was fishing in a tidepool.
788. A racoon was up in a tree. Why?
789. Perhaps he was in a standoff with these eagles, perched nearby?
790. Tansy, still smiling its cheery yellow smile even though it's December.
791. Now that the house is decorated, I love the long sparkly evenings of December. This is my favourite decoration.
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