Our house is sold!!! We got the good news Friday night near 10:00 p.m. There's no suspense like being taken to the wire, with only two hours until the time for removing the 'subjects' was to expire.
The beautiful thing is, the dates mesh perfectly with our move to a townhouse in Langley (on which we put in an offer in June, and then a few days later had to firm up when the vendors got another offer on it).
In the interim, the pressure for us to to sell our house has been considerable. There were showings, usually several a weekend. But the feedback was the same from everyone: "Needs some updates." In early July, after another such showing, our realtor phoned and suggested we update the floors.
We've been living with 80s linoleum and goldy brown carpet all these years. I must admit it was a bit of a pill to swallow--the thought of updating at this late date. But after a little investigating we realized that it was doable, would accomplish more than lowering our price and certainly seemed necessary (as most of the other houses in our price range offered such decor.)
And so a few weeks ago we packed up the stuff that filled the drawers and shelves of desks, bookshelves, the china cabinet and entertainment center in order to move them for the carpet layers. Then for three days we were in renovation mode while carpet layers put new carpets in the back room (my office), living room, stairs, upstairs hallway, and the floor layer updated the linoleum in the kitchen, dining-room area with laminate.

We got an offer last Friday after the second showing following the improvements.
During this whole selling/buying experience, God has been dealing with me about anxiety. I can certainly talk the talk about trusting in Him. But my anxious reaction to the uncertain situation showed me my trust was far from mature. If I worry as much as the next person, how does that show confidence in God? Is it any different than someone whose trust is entirely in self or luck.
A Bible verse that has become my 'theme song' during this time is: "He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me and prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God" (Psalm 50:23). It was like God was saying, 'You thank me as if everything has already been accomplished, because it's the display (which feels artificial at first, but does end up changing one's whole outlook) of that kind of confidence that 'prepares the way' for Me to do what you ask.'
Of course I know we're not nearly at the end of our journey. We still have the actual pack up and move to look forward to. And so I'm still clinging tight to my Psalm promise and other goodies (like Philippians 4:6,7) against the day we're settled in our new home.
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